This is not a 1to1 translation of the original Thyria Steamfantasy but rather a 2.0 with Story and Background development. Do not worry if you are used to the German Version. The new version is cast into the same mold and should feel totally familiar. And if you do not like the english remake. Rejoice. The German Version is tollay playable and complete to use. It is also free. Enjoy:
It is just that so many years have passed since the original Thyria was invented and now Steampunk seems to be a trend instead of something totally weird and unknown. This of course also changes a bit how we view or world of Yarhte and how we want to develop the game to stay true to its weirdness. Thyria specialty is that it is fantastic while known, different then Steampunk by NOT changing history of the earth but rather generating the Steampunk feel via an own technological development different from what happened on earth. Added to this are some mystical, fantastic and magical items that make this game Steamfantasy rather than Steampunk. For us Steamfantasy, when we coined the term in 1997 means that it is still definitely Steampunk put with magical and fantastical element in a different world then earth. So the emphasise lies on an alternate reality reminding us of the 18th, 19th and 20th century including civilizations and mindsets. Nowadays it is popular to have Steampunky elements in most fantasy background. This is different then what Thyria Steamfantasy is doing for 15 years now.
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